Avelina Carbungco Florendo
R E V O L U T I O N I Z I N G P H I L I P P I N E S U G A R C R A F T F O R O V E R 5 D E C A D E S
- S I N C E 1 9 6 0 -
91- 8th Avenue Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109 | (02)9121163 | (02)7752208 | classes@ccs-bakeshop.com
The official website of CCS Bakeshop: The Baking and Cake Decorating School
M E E T M R S. A V E L I N A C A R B U N G C O F L O R E N D O

Avelina Carbungco Florendo, the Philippine Cake Queen, and dubbed as Guro and Ina (mother) ng cake decorators, shares her baking and cake decorating knowledge in her signature courses. An effective step by step lessons in making innovative cakes.
CCS Bakeshop and Cake Decorating School's hands on classes guarantees that even a novice will be able to create beautiful edible art. Whoever dreams of decorating cakes like the professionals will find
Avelina Carbungco Florendo, a reassuring teacher and a very creative artist.
Avelina C Florendo studied at the famous Wilton School in Chicago, taking all the courses, Master Cake Decorating, Advanced Gumpaste and Foreign Method, The Australian Way of wedding cake, Lambeth or the English Cake Decorating, Swiss Chocolate Technique and Gumpaste Dolls. She took the Airbrush technique and Portrait Airbrush with the Cake Lady Frances Kuyper, and in England- Avelina attended Sugar School with Nicholas Lodge and Margaret Ford.
She introduced cake decorating techniques in the Philippines the Wilton Way, Australian Way and Lambeth or English way in 1980.
Avelina serve as the Philippines' Representative to the International Cake Exploration Societe since the early 80's. She is also the founder of ICES Philippine Chapter. In 2005, ICES included Avelina Carbungco Florendo in the prestigious ICES Hall of Fame, the very first Asian and only Filipina given this recognition.

Having been in the field of cake decoration for the past five decades, Avelina have witnessed the gradual growth of cake decorating enthusiasts worldwide, and the innovation of the Sugarcraft industry. With this experience she endeavored to contribute her knowledge and expertise in cake decoration and sugarcraft techniques by introducing the Wilton way of cake decoration and confectionery art in the Philippines in 1980. This revolutionized our concept, ideas and method of cake decoration, from the Philippine style of tall and large wedding cakes with solid structural bodies to smaller ones that use separator plates and wireless sugar flowers and fondant covered cakes. Later on she used a mixed style of foreign designs and approach and introduced the "soliya" cane wedding, bamboo designs together with our folk dances like the tinikling and pandanggo sa ilaw. Avelina also incorporated Philippine flowers like the Vanda sandariana, Waling-waling, and the national flower Sampaguita, as part of the decoration to speak beautifully of Philippine culture.
CCS Bakeshop
Avelina owns CCS Bakeshop and Cake Decorating school at 91 - 8th Avenue Cubao, Quezon City, where she teaches with her daughter in law Ma-ai Florendo. Here she shares the techniques she learned from the seminars and classes she attends in different countries like England, Canada, Australia, Italy, France , US and many others. Almost all the teachers, bakers, cake decorators and baking enthusiasts in the country has been her student. She has been teaching cake decorating and other sugarcrafts for the past 40 years and has authored 4 books in cake decorating, the first cake decorating series published in the Philippines.
Her foreign students come from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Africa, Guam, Brunei, Japan, USA, Canada, Australia and many more.
Cake Decoration